Many are the Plans…

Our Story

Who the Hale are We?

We are the Hales! Zach, Gemma, our oldest son Silas, our daughter Sage, and our youngest Theo. Yep, that’s us.

What the Hale are We Doing?

We are still figuring that out. The short story is we found ourselves in a bit of a rut, so we decided to throw ourselves into a new experience to kind of shake ourselves up a bit as a family, and travel seemed to fit the bill. Some might call this a “family gap year,” others call it “world schooling,” but Zach likes to say he’s dragging his family along on an early mid-life crisis. Whatever it is, it’s not normal, but it’s definitely an adventure.

What Plans…?

“Many are the plans,” refers to a Bible verse, Provers 19:21, which says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” To us, this means it’s wise to figuratively “hold your plans loosely,” as our plans don’t aways turn out how we would like. It’s as if to say, “God, I’m going to follow my dreams, but if at any point they don’t line up with your purpose, I’ll gladly submit to your ultimate plan.”


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